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On Demand Advertising Solutions Blog: The Proof Is In The Pudding, Turbocharging Web Traffic & Owning A Front Page Business Search, Podcast #38

The proof is in the pudding!

Discover how we were able to own a front page business search AND drive thousands of views to our site on multiple platforms, in just eight months!


In another Digital Marketing Update, John D. Verlin discusses some of the techniques he's used to drive his web traffic and get listed on Google in a front page search of his business.

Google Search On Demand Advertising Solutions  screenshot
Our strategy results in our clients owning the first page of a Google search for their business name. 

web traffic for the year shot

Web traffic since Feb. 2017 when site was launched achieved via podcasting, animated videos and social media promotion. Notice the various blog post traffic that link to the homepage, acting as a kind of traffic filter 
In the case of Facebook traffic--some of the views reflect various "ads" purchased as a test for less than $50/mth (tested over three-months off and on throughout 2017).

The fact that you're reading/listening to this blog post is most likely due your response to a social media post.


It's all a part of our three-part strategy to drive SEO and web traffic and make your business exceed the profile and exposure of your competitors with an extended marketing platform--the perfect compliment to a Google Adwords campaign!

You may learn more about us and schedule a free appointment.

You may listen to all of our exclusive audio podcasts here.

Now, enjoy the video podcast!

podcast cover

Marketing Your Business; Proof Is In The Pudding, Turbocharging Web Traffic and Own A Front Page Search, Podcast #38!

Host: John D. Verlin


And another pleasant good afternoon to you, John Verlin with On Demand Advertising Solutions, with another Digital Marketing Update podcast. (Kansas City-based marketing consultant and brand ambassador)!

Got a email the other day from a gentleman named Brent in Roeland Park.

And he basically asks, he said “John, I saw one of your animated videos and went to your website. I saw some of your podcasts and was curious.

Do podcasts really work and how do you do them?”

I guess he really wanted to know if they were effective.

And Brent, the answer to that is yes, that's why I'm doing this right now. You may be listening to this.

Those of you who are may have the same questions. But basically, yes they are effective.

I like them because they're simple. They're easy to do.

If, and again everything's relative.

In other words, if you're nervous about speaking, or you don't have a good voice and you sound like Daffy Duck...or whatever, you may prefer writing.

I prefer podcasts because I was in radio and we used to do these all of the time with clients—where we would record their ads, as podcasts or as mp3 files.

Have them put them on their website, and talk to them about letting people know they're on their website.

And they would back that up with say signage in the stores saying, “James Thompson Jewelry, as heard on KYZ radio.”

From a visual standpoint to reinforce that fact they are on radio. Because people or customers might come in and not even know they had a radio ad.

All of this works together, interlocking.

This media and marketing ties in together. It's what I call the marketing platform. It's all a part of the package.

So yes, podcasting Brent is one avenue of content that is also searchable on the web when you transcribe it, as I'm doing on this blog post, and then promoting it.

It also, to me is convenient and I think for a lot of people, with over fifty percent using smartphones to search things and check things out.

They can just listen to it on their smartphone as they're walking or working out or whatever.

You may be doing that right now and listening to this.

So they're very accessible in my opinion.

So they're easy, they're accessible, they're entertaining.

You get to know me. You get to know, customers get to know you by hearing your voice, not just reading.

Nothing against reading, I read a lot. But it just makes it on the go quick, simple and used a lot by mobile devices.

I appreciate the question.

I hope I answered that sufficiently for you.

Which leads me into today's blog post—I couldn't wait to do this podcast because of the picture I picked.

And it's called Proof Is In The Pudding—and if you see that picture, that you want to eat that right now, it is so good!

But, Proof Is In The Pudding, Turbocharging Website Traffic And Building A Front Page Search on Google.

And, I did that in about eight months.

Through a combination of things I want to talk about today. Just to give you some food for thought.

Number one—and this is one reason I started this business. You need to consistently post content.

And I'm not the first to have said that. A lot of people say that. In fact I read a post today from a gentleman—I forget his name.

He reiterated the consistency of good content. It's always been the case. Think about this.

Ever since newspapers. Ever since TV programming, radio programming—if you in a sense not have good content—you're not going to draw as many.

You'll still get some people.

We found that in radio when we had clients do radio ads. They had a terrible voice Their message wasn't that brilliant. “You need a me.”

But, in spite of the weaknesses you want to call that—it actually played up to their strengths. Which was, they were human. They connected with the audience.

And that really what all of this is about—is consistently connecting with your target audience.

Nothing new here. It's just shifted towards digital platforms today, as traditional media is shifted.

We just saw this—a matter of fact last week.

There was a merger of two big radio companies, to form a sports digital marketing platform for some of the sports stations that one of the companies had, that I actually used to work for.

So they are recognizing, an on-going building out of their platform, for sports programming for digital consumption.

Through a streaming platform.So this is really nothing new. Consistent content.

And of course, I know a lot of you are saying, well I've got a website, I've got content on it that tells about my services. I understand that. But Google is like a ravenous dinosaur. It's constantly feeding off of content. So you've got to feed the beast, in essence.

And I know a lot of you are saying well, how many ways can I say, “we clean teeth”.

Well, that's where your blog comes in.

Yeah, I've heard this before. These guys charge an arm and a leg to write blog stuff. And I just don't have time to read it all.
t's too much of a hassle. I understand that. And that's one reason I formed my business as a consultant was to help businesses do that. As I'm doing right now.

But what's fun is—if you do it in an interview-format style, someone is interviewing you.

Talking about your specialty—your expertise.

Questions your clients or customers are having on a regular basis that you're answering on a podcast content. It's engaging. It's entertaining, hopefully.

I still have yet to do an impersonation like I used to do in radio.

I promise you—I used to do these. But I want to keep a little something behind, so you'll keep listening.

At any rate—so yes, they are effective if you're consistently posting content.

If you can't do it or don't want to. Hire someone.

It's not super expensive. I mean, I don't charge an arm and a leg. I work through some of the chambers and things like that.

I don't have ten employees.

I'm a consultant, so I don't have to charge near as much. So, it can be done.

You can see with some of the stats I posted in a post I did last week on a post about turbocharging web traffic and owning first page searches.

All of this is important, because it is content that will allow that to happen.

And you may say well why is that important? If you're a prospect of your business, locally.

You're probably going to search for the name of Jim Thompson Jewelry.

Maybe before you go out there. And if Jim Thompson Jewelry doesn't show up.

You might kind of question if they are for real. Now they can drive by your brick and mortar business and see it.

But it adds credibility like nothing else. Why? Because this content, this whole shift in marketing online and presence, it's all moving there.

I was at a Walmart the other day, trying to find a faucet. And I pulled out my smartphone trying to check it on Amazon. I found a better faucet on Amazon. So I walked away and bought it on Amazon.

That's how people are using these smartphones now.

For searching for products, services. You may be in a law firm, in the lobby listening to this podcast. Thinking about hiring a divorce attorney. And think, well wait a minute.

You may have a point there. Right now and search for divorce attorney's on my smartphone as soon as I get done listening to this thing.

And you may go ahead and search for a divorce attorney that's highly recommended through a rating system and there are testimonials on their website.
And you just might walk out of the room and go see that person. That's how important this is because people are doing this now.

Second point I want to make is, that the proof is in the pudding—turbocharging your web traffic and a front page search for your business is consistently promoting your content.

Oh, here we go again. John, you keep saying consistently, on-going.

I don't like those words. I want this to happen in three months. Actually, I want this to happen thirty days board wants this to happen last year.

I understand that. All marketing though—it's all good. And it takes time. That's a fact of life.

Unless, you're the only business in town that does what you do. And everybody knows about you.

Then great. But guess what—they don't know about you.

We've talked about this on other podcasts, but the multiplicity of channels now. Multiplicity of platforms that are available for content.

Whether you're checking out Instagram, many platforms.
People can be checking out stuff.

And that's why you have to do things consistently. Because you don't know what works.

And if you do direct mail. I had a chamber member say, we'll we use these big direct mail big post cards.

And they seem to be the best thing we've done. And that's great. For now. What about six months from now?

That's why all of this works together.

You can't just say, well this is a silver bullet.

All of them are silver bullets that work together to get a shot. To get that result you're looking for on a regular basis.

I have another prospect I've talked to...pretty good sized business.

Millions of dollars a year. They are in six magazines. TV...on the web, online. I mean they're doing a lot of stuff—and they're struggling.

I mean they're painting huge letters on windows. On Sale—whatever. Who knows what works? They've tried it all.

And they realize they've got to keep doing it. You can't just stop. Because some of that might zero in on targeted people. I think they can maybe target it better. But that's what we do is consistently test and target, try to.

And the third point I want to bring out is that multiple platforms and channels are on-going.

You need to be placed on multiple platforms with content. Whew, that's a lot of work.

I understand what you're saying John, but this is a lot of work. I've got a business to run.

Exactly, and that's what caused me to want to start this business is to help people like you who are struggling to do what I just said.

Because they realize—and I think most businesses realize this.The need for this type of content and on-going promotion. You say, well I'm running a TV schedule.

And I have some post cards going out.

OK, that's great! And you're testing all of that? Because that will work for a while, but maybe it won't. Then what will you do?

On-going content on a blog, in an entertaining and engaging fashion, consistently will engage prospects. That's the key.

And as long as we have these digital platforms, and various online mediums, such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, whatever, then we're going to have people going on those.

Now, once those are gone—there may be some new thing like artificial intelligence beaming a signal into your brain through a micro chip.

So, those are three reasons why I think it's important to see proof in the pudding by using those three to turbocharge your web traffic.

And you can see on my blog post from last week some of the results I had over eight months.

And you can see each of the blog posts and the traffic from various sources. Twitter, organic, where ever. Even overseas!

I didn't expect that. I didn't want it. But OK, some nice comments from people listening to the podcasts. Previous ones. Thank you.

It's really amazing how this inter-connectiveness of the web can really turbocharge things.

But you can also target your local people. And they now have your content to check out compared to the competition.

And that may make all of the difference. Highlighting your expertise.

John D. Verlin, On Demand Advertising Solutions.

I'm a little over today. But, if I can help you.

Questions. Email:

All podcasts are recorded by Verlin Studios / Gardner, Kansas
Copyright, John D. Verlin 2017

Verlin Studios mock up sharp and smooth


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