In one word: Seamless seam·less ˈsÄ“mlis/ adjective 1 . (of a fabric or surface) smooth and without seams or obvious joins. "seamless stockings" Let me preface this post by admitting upfront a couple of things: I'm not a geek in the true sense of the word. I came from a rock n roll background (more on this in another post)--and worked with classical, smooth jazz and newstalk radio stations for thirty-two years. I was the audio-visual guy in junior high--delivering projectors, tape recorders to classrooms, etc--so I've always had an interest in "gadgets". My first one was an Archer walkie-talkie and my second was a Science Fair crystal radio set. I then had a Science Fair weather station. I'm not employed by or paid by Apple, Samsung, Google, etc or any tech company, blog or magazine. I'm just offering a semi-tech guy's opinion of how Apple & Samsung stand up to each other after having owned ...