Leave It To One Man To Explain The Best Way To Use Your Performance/Appraisal System-Without "Rank & Yank"!
Like most people--I've always enjoyed reading about managers who talk the talk and walk the walk. Men and women who have the resume to demand respect--and one of the most respected CEO's is none other than Jack Welch (GE's former CEO). With todays conflux and focus on Big Data managing and how to best evaluate employees, Mr. Welch has a great piece about the balance of using numbers and qualities to judge performance. While he doesn't like the term, rank and yank with year end evaluations taking place--he offers some insight into how best use what numbers such as quota's, etc in a total evaluation profile. Here's Jack's own words from an Opinion piece in todays' Wall Street Journal: Every now and again—like just this week, for instance, with the announcement that Microsoft MSFT -0.12% will be changing its performance-appraisal system—some news event unleashes a fresh round of debate about the management practice dubbed ...