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Turning A Family Memory Into An Heirloom By John D. Verlin

A former co-worker recently posted a picture of her mother and father taken outside their home with a 1950's Chevrolet in the driveway on Facebook.

She was commenting on what a great woman her mother was and that she was now with her father.

Seems like we tend to collect "things" in life--pack ratting away these items until one day we discard them when events cause us to "downsize", move or face a life change.

But the "memories" part of our lives sometimes don't really come into focus until that time when we lose a loved one.

Suddenly--we begin to scour our scrapbooks, photo albums, stored away boxes--anything to find our loved one's life story for the funeral, reception, etc.

These family memories are all too often forgotten until needed. In my own life--it took on special meaning one day when we discovered an old super 8 video of my brother and I with my grandfather (i was the two year old in his arms).

We had the movie from the late 1950's transferred to video and gave it to my mother on her 70th birthday.

She was thrilled! It made our day and I've since forgotten that moment--which was over 20 years ago.

That experience took on a new profound moment when I discovered boxes filled with family moment's, photos, etc recently.

My heart melted as I gazed upon pictures of my mother at age seventeen and grandfather from the 1930's.

So I put together a montage of photo's, enhanced, edited and enlarged them into a framed "memorial" to them and hung it in my guest room.

I sometimes sit in there and just look at them and it brings back good memories.

This was the main idea behind starting Verlin Studios Artisan Photo Services. Allowing you to provide a picture (digital via scanning or digital photograph copying it) to us to let us work our magic on your family memory.

The process I use is not your typical box retailer enlargement. We use Photoshop editing software, premium paper and ink and we sign and number every 11x14 print so you have an original Verlin Studio work.

We're proud of what we do--and know that giving a family member a unique, rare family picture brings a deep sense of joy to the recipient.

I encourage you today--preserve your family memories NOW--present them as gifts while that person is here to enjoy and treasure them.

And we can help. Most of our customers go to their local frame shop and have them matted and framed to suit their tastes.

To learn more about our Artisan Photo Services--go to 

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Or share this blogpost with your friends! Let me know if I can answer any questions.


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