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Bad Moon Arising? By John D. Verlin

Few pictures in our lifetimes conjure up more imagery than the planets and our solar system.

From pics of the earth from the moon to Saturn's rings, Jupitors' moons and comet trails and now a blood-red total eclipse of the moon.

With John Fogarty's Bad Moon Rising playing in the back ground--I read with interest the varying viewpoints about this most recent eclipse--particularly the apocryphal.

Joel 2:31
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

Occurring on the first night of Passover--was this coincidence or part of prophetic revelation of the end times?

While not to over focus on this one event--but be mindful of the "times", I awoke at 2:20am to attempt to photograph the height of the eclipse.

Stumbling in a robe and out the front door--i raised my camera and zoomed in on the event. It looked like someone had slugged the moon in the eye and it was turning blood red.

With low light--I hoped the shutter would stay open long enough to capture the moment.

Click, Click and then "battery expired" notice popped up in the view finder.

"Great" I thought. Oh well...looks cool. Now back to bed.

The next morning--I checked my outcome and discovered two "fuzzy" pics of the moon...not very sharp or focused.

I decided they weren't very good--and just move on and look for other events.

That evening--my brother sent me his picture of it. He had a new 19 megapixel camera which had a good lens on it.

Now this--was a nice picture! Sharp and in focus--he captured what I had hoped to do. Much like I'm sure, many other photographers--this one was a keeper!

We're offering it via Verlin Studio's Etsy site:

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